Outsourcing Toolbox

If you’re running your own business or even working for someone else, this post will help you immensely! One of the most common bullshit I hear all the time is “I don’t have time”… Solution to that? GIVE IT TO SOMEONE ELSE to do it! Especially the things that you hate/dislike/do-not-like doing! When we do things that we do not love, we lose energy, feel drain, lose focus and take lots longer! So the best way is to delegate to people that can do it for you cheaper, faster and what they’re great at. Your task is to get out of the way and let things flow! So I’m listing some of the sites I personally use.. then other sites that I have never used but it is in my resource toolbox. P.S. It will take a lot of courage to admit that you dislike or don’t like doing things.. Question is .. Do you have a courage to face yourself? Sites i personally use to delegate my tasks:

Sites that are in my resources area but have never used them:

Also here some Free Graphic sites that you can use as well:



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