2011 Review, Bring on 2012!

In the last 8 years or so I always wanted to write a yearly review and I got caught up with stories and excuses. The next thing I know, the time passed and another year gone by without any gratitude log I can look back and show to my future kids and myself.

This year has been an amazing journey ever and I didn’t know how to start writing them. So I came up with questions what I would really be asking my client about their amazing year. Alright I will get cranking:


My TOP 10 Greatest things that happened in the past year:

  1. Quit my full time job and live in my passion (being a Life Coach/Strategist/NLP Practitioner to help others)
  2. The information, system and knowledge I have now which enable me to understand deeper & meaningful level of conversation!
  3. Helped so many friends, partners and clients become a better, bigger person and best version of themselves
  4. Connected deeper with old friends and met many new great friends and partners
  5. Became Air-Champ at my old job. Training and facilitating people in my old job
  6. Attended LOTS of great Personal Development seminars, dominar, webinar & workshops
  7. Have Mentor
  8. Mastermind of Amazing race for my best friend’s birthday
  9. Get closer to my parents & my sister
  10. Discover my life purpose =)
My TOP 3 most proud and/or gratified accomplishments in 2011:
  1. Living my passion and getting pay from it!
  2. Hang Gliding & Helicopter ride
  3. Become a bigger person of myself

My most precious 3 lessons  I’ve learned from last year:

  1. “Who are you when no one is looking” – Being the best I can be at all time not just in front of people
  2. Ask(ing the right questions) and you shall receive
  3. When life turn up side down, there are two choices.. to leave it as it is or turn it down side up (is there a word?)!

TOP 3 Personal Developments I invested in myself this year:

  1. Anthony Robbins & Dr Demartini Seminar
  2. Jeff & Kane Seminar
  3. NLP

If I could do things differently last year, I would do:

  1. Learn about how relationship, connections, love languages and apply them
  2. Be a man (Masculine Energy & Feminine Energy)
  3. Be absolutely authentic to self from the beginning

Three things I will do more of this  year:

  1.  Ask and You Shall Receive
  2. Feel the Fears and Do It Anyway
  3. “When I am saving lives, GO BIG”

I need to stop doing these 3 things completely and they are:

  1. Stop multi-tasking
  2. Bring up excuses/stories
  3. Procrastinating (this will be hard)

I didn’t achieve the goals I want last year because of these 3 reasons:

  1. Procrastinating
  2. Lazy
  3. Don’t ask people for help when needs (thanks guys for the offers)

This year I am going to smash this 3 goals and they are:

  1. Go to the Space from Russia by 22 November 2012
  2. Help 1000 people achieve peak performance or results in life by End of 2012
  3. Healthy body, Healthy Mind and Healthy Soul through out the year

Three reasons WHY I want to achieve these goals:

  1. I always love space! Wouldn’t be amazing to see/feel from the EDGE of the Earth!
  2. I love helping people and be part of their success in their life
  3. To balance within self = pure authentic self


Smartest decision I made last year:

To quit my full time job and live with purpose. Helping, coaching to discover self, contributing to others is big part of me.

Biggest risk I took last year:

To though about hurting self

One sentence to sums up my last year:

“To learn to be a bigger person than who I am, I need to know what I am”

One year from now, my life is:


and of course you can download Your 2011 in ReviewENJOY!

My spelling and gramma errors are everywhere, but hey this is me and I hope you enjoy reading


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