[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Lyle KekenaHastings, New Zealand.” company=”JW Marriott Dubai” href=”” image=”https://poytb.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/12.jpg”]
Poy I would like to say a big THANK YOU for making me understand myself and my purpose in life…
I was to afraid to face the great big world and take hold of it. I let my life control me, not me in control of my life.
I had only a 1 hour session over the phone with Poy and it changed my whole out look on life. Can I say Wow.
Thank you Poy for making me believe in myself and not let anything stop me in life..
Thank You!
[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Jennie Keogh Sydney, Australia ” company=”Merci Bouquet” href=”” image=”https://poytb.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Screen-Shot-2013-11-16-at-2.34.03-am.png”]
Thank you so much Poy for your time during our 1 hour session over the phone. You definitely made things clearer for me and helped me to refocus on what’s most important. You were very pleasant to deal with and I really appreciated that you explained certain theories to me as this helped me understand my situation more and how I can change it. I really liked that I came out of the session with an action plan.
Thank you!
[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Marie Helen Clarén Pahoa, HawaiiSkanska ” company=”Sverige AB” href=”” image=”https://poytb.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Screen-Shot-2013-11-16-at-2.31.52-am.png”]
Poy has the ability to ask the right questions, I had a fantastic hour session helping me realize that my purpose in life might be much closer than I thought… Thank you for your good energy Poy!
[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Siranya RhuvattanaBrooklyn, New York” company=”PricewaterhouseCoopers” href=”” image=”https://poytb.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Screen-Shot-2013-11-16-at-2.28.57-am.png”]
One hour phonecall with you was my true quality time. It totally transformed the whole idea of life I used to have and enlightened what actually shape a person’s identity.
It is not only the message I got out of the convos that is valuable to me but also the way you conducted the session that moved me and helped me understand myself and encouraged me to come out of the shadow.
You are very patient and attentive. Thank you for your devotion and your time. Your good intention in helping people to become the best version of themselves will definitely bring greater things back to you.
[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Leanne PlewsAdelaide, South Australia” company=”” href=”” image=”https://poytb.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/185228_4707192716557_349141415_n.jpg”]
I first contacted Poy mostly out of curiosity. I have been feeling a little lost lately, although I have a great life I’m not sure what I want. I asked him about his qualifications, which he explained and then asked whether it was relevant in comparison to the way he makes people feel. Still skeptical, I had a half hour chat with Poy and he opened my eyes to what I need to do and why. That day I began completing tasks i been putting off for months and a week later I was up to date and feeling great. I am excited to continue working with Poy and having more direction and focus in my life.
[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”” company=”” href=”” image=”https://poytb.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Screen-Shot-2013-11-16-at-2.13.51-am.png”]
Hey Poy! Thanks a million for giving me the motivation to stop smoking, I have set a challenge to not drink or smoke for 6 months to gain more respect for my body and mind. I love your enthusiasm and never give up attitude towards life, you have inspired me and you will be extremely successful in your career! It’s nice to meet someone who has such passion for what they do!
[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Lisa BashfordSouthport, QLDRN” company=” Allamanda private” href=”” image=”https://poytb.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/1377135_10200878078178147_1809646482_n.jpg”]
I was a little reluctant to make contact but glad that I did Poy, was able to clarify my thinking and gave me some great strategies and ideas on how to deal with situations in my life. Im off to try my 21 day challenge for change, will keep you posted on my progress. Thanks Poy for the gift of your time and insight.
[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Dave Yu Sydney, NSW” company=”Ricoh Australia” href=”” image=”https://poytb.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/67136_10152178196690430_398928332_n.jpg”]
Hi, I would like to say that Poy has been a tremendous help to my way of thinking. I was depressed and lost before I talked to Poy. I did not know how to get out of the rut I was in and the feeling of emptiness. loneliness and hopelessness. After the session I felt great the session. The way he ask questions and made me feel was fantastic! Questions that I never have thought to ask myself but somehow made sense. After the session my outlook in the future is a lot clearer and better. I now know what to do and have clearer goals that I need to achieve. Thank you so much Poy.
[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Frank Hernandez Belton, Texas ” company=”WinnCompanies” href=”” image=”https://poytb.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/313528_277576088952065_1522499597_n.jpg”]
Hi poy , I let you know the I quick smoking on the 17 ,I have 2 days smoke Free and i want it say Thank you my friend , i will be in touch with you ,i am living for Xmas break out of town go to Houston, and back on Dec 29, Merry Xmas and tanks again,with you system and a little meditation i am quick smoke after 40 years Thanks and Thanks my friend.
[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Claire Brooks Sydney, NSW” company=”” href=”” image=””]
Poy has already made such a significant impact on my life in our first session. Together we are working on who I want to be and where I am going. An exciting journey that I am glad that Poy will be taking with me on our weekly sessions. Obtaining clarification and having the wool pulled from my eyes and reaching a eureka moment has definately been the highlight of our chat. Poy has helped me to explore the depths of what I previously did not want to delve into and keeping me focused. Thank you so much not only for the insight you have given me but for your time and continued patience.
[testimonials style=”2″ margin_top=”” margin_bottom=””][testimonial name=”Phil Ward Kew, Victoria ” company=”Trinity Grammar School” href=”” image=”https://poytb.com.au/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/527413_203724623096006_1305021381_n.jpg”]
Being a client of Poy TB has turned my outlook on life to the positive. The benefit of having an effective coach to support me in sorting out issues that were preventing me from fulfilling my potential, has been immense. Having now been able to throw away negatives that I have had for years, has left me charging to a life I want to fulfil.
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Fiona Galbraith Canberra, Australia PP
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Tama Pereto-Bristowe Tokoroa, NewzealandThe Good Morning Guy